WBMA Board of Directors


The World Beard and Moustache Association hold elections every two years at the WBMA Meeting following the World Beard and Moustache Championships. At this meeting is where future hosts and locations of the World Beard and Moustache Championships are decided, among other very important matters.


Bryan Nelson

Bryan is the President and Founder of the Austin Facial Hair Club (est. 2007), as well as being President of the World Beard and Moustache Association. He is also Former President and Former Vice President, North American Competitive Beard and Moustache Alliance (NACBMA), and he was Event Director for the 2017 WBMC in Austin, TX. “My goal is that the WBMA will become stronger and recognized globally for serving the greater good through Facial Hair and Community, following the motto ‘United in Friendship in Honor’, for years to come”. 

Christine Hackman
Vice President

Christine Hackman is a Canadian wigmaker by trade, and represents the Vancouver Facial Hair Club. She garnered notice in the international bearding community through competing in 36 online competitions since 2020, and at the Austin, Antwerp, and Burghausen WBMCs. In the past year she has taken on VP positions for both VFHC and NACBMA, and is excited to continue championing the role of creative bearding in the WBMA as the first female on the board.


Chad Roberts
Vice President

Chad has been a competitive beardsmith since 2011, most often competing in the Full Beard Freestyle category. He is the President and founder
of the RVA Beard League in Richmond,Virginia, U.S.A., Chad also currently serves
as a vice president of the North American Competitive Beard & Moustache Alliance (NACBMA), a grassroots coalition of 60 facial hair clubs across the United States & Canada. He supports beard clubs whenever and however he can, he stands by the modern bearding traditions of raising funds for local charities, the inclusion of all who support facial hair, and enjoying a beer with friends from far-flung places.

Aaron Johnston
Vice President

My name is Aaron Johnston! I have been in this amazing bearding community since 2014.  I am the Director of Marketing for  Honest Amish and the creator of TheBeardCalendar.com! As well as the co-host of the Talking Beards Podcast. Along with those duties I am also one of the Vice President’s of the World Beard & Moustache Association and  Talking Beards (the club). 

I stay busy going to and promoting beard events all around the world with my lovely wife Natali. This once little hobby has now completely taken over my life and I wouldn’t have it any other way. 


Jürgen Burkhardt 
Vice President

Jürgen has been active in a club since 1993, he has competed in 14 World Beard and Moustache championships and has achieved 4 1st place, 2 2nd place and 2 3rd place at WBMC!! He is founder and president of Bart & Kultur Club “Belle Mustache” e.V, he has been active for many years in the association of German Beard clubs (VDB) and is currently Vice President. As well as organizing many international championships, with his club, he hosted the 2013 WBMC in Leinfeldt-Echterdingen, Germany. Jürgen says that it is important to him that beards are made popular worldwide, and that there are fair competitions everywhere.  Jürgen wants to bring his many years of experience to the WBMA and wants the traditional ways to be preserved, while integrating new ideas. 

Jason Sealand
Vice President
(Representative from 2025 WBMC Host Club)

Brian Eva
Vice President
(Representative from 2027 WBMC Host Club)

Current WBMA Bylaws
(as of May 2019)